1) 環境対応型製品の製造から廃棄までの環境影響を評価するLCA(ライフサイクルアセスメント)を活用し、リサイクル対応金型や低環境負荷製品を開発
2) 医療分野では、医療機器や使い捨て製品向け金型を展開
3) DX推進でデジタルツインやAIを活用し設計・製造効率を向上
4) 軽量化技術でEV向けの高強度・軽量部品金型を提供
Let’s go to the blue ocean market!
We can develop the blue ocean market based on our advanced mold technology.
1) Develop recyclable molds and low environmental impact products by utilizing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which evaluates the environmental impact of environmentally friendly products from manufacturing to disposal2
) In the medical field, develop molds for medical devices and disposable products3
) Improve design and manufacturing efficiency by utilizing Digital Twin and AI through DX promotion4 4 ) Provide high-strength and lightweight parts molds for EVs through weight reduction technology
Come on! Move out of the Red and into the Blue Ocean market development!