- Volatility(変動性): 状況が急速に変化し、予測が困難な状態。
- Uncertainty(不確実性): 未来の結果や影響が明確ではなく、予測が難しいこと。
- Complexity(複雑性): 多くの要素が絡み合い、問題が複雑で理解が難しいこと。
- Ambiguity(曖昧性): 情報や状況の意味が不明確で、解釈に複数の可能性がある状態。
The best way to study for VUCA is through documents 📚
VUCA is a concept that describes the volatile and unpredictable modern business environment. Volatility: A state in which the situation changes rapidly and is difficult to predict.
Uncertainty: Future outcomes and impacts are unclear and difficult to predict.
Complexity: Many factors are intertwined, making the problem complex and difficult to understand. Ambiguity: A state in which the meaning of information or a situation is unclear and there are multiple possible interpretations.
In a VUCA era, it is effective to expand your knowledge through reading, and then take action by outputting from input. In addition, it is important to practice training problem-solving skills through feedback and increasing agility.
The best way to study for VUCA is through reading 📚